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BeWalkative. Nature Walks and Qigong Fitness 

 Reconnect with nature while improving your health and well being.

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Explore Bewalkative Features
 At BeWalkative we offer a unique Qigong fitness experience. Our fitness walks are held in nature set to music, providing a rejuvenating experience for mind and body.
Nature Walks
 Join us for a Qigong fitness nature walk. Walk through beautiful paths while listening to music and improving your fitness.
Immerse yourself in the ancient practice of Qigong, a holistic system of body posture, movement & meditation. 
 Experience the harmonious blend of music with nature walks & Qigong that aids in powerful stress relief.
Escape from the daily grind and de-stress with our  therapeutic services aimed at enhancing your well- being. 
Healing Nature Walks
 One of our major features are healing nature walks in your local community. According to recent research studies, walking in nature helps reduce anxiety and depression.  

​Regular participation in our Nature Walks can provide numerous health benefits such as improved cardiovascular fitness, lower stress levels, and better mood. The benefits extend beyond the physical – spending time in nature also helps quiet the mind and can improve mental health.

Steve is experienced, kind and dedicated, making sure all participants feel comfortable and safe during the walks. Regardless of your fitness level or age, we believe everyone can tap into the blissful tranquility of immersive nature walks.
 Qigong Training
Qigong is a Chinese holistic therapy that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intentions.

​It is known to help build stamina increasing  vitality, and enhancing the immune systems. It has also been found to be beneficial for chronic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and anxiety.

​Our professional instructions ensure that you harness the power of qigong to improve your overall well being. Medical research supports the benefits of practicing Qigong regularly. 

Music Therapy
At BeWalkative, we strongly believe in the healing power of music, it's ability to soothe our emotions and alleviate stress.

​Our music therapy sessions are open to all, regardless of age. Through listening and moving to music, participants can improve their physical, emotional, mental and social wellbeing.

Our Best Testimonials!

About BeWalkative
  BeWalkative is a uniquely curated fitness service founded by Steve Ragland and his team combining Nature Walks, Qigong, Yoga and Music.

​​Established with the vision to make fitness more therapeutic, our endeavor is encouraging individuals to embrace the natural path toward wellness.
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Connect With Us
Get in touch to discover how you can benefit from our Nature Walks and Qigong practices. We can help you find the most suitable option to meet your wellness goals.